Solar Eclipse

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Mineral Wells ISD is planning a unique learning experience for students on April 8, 2024. A solar eclipse will be visible across the United States with Mineral Wells experiencing an almost total eclipse. As always, student safety is our top concern. The safe way to view an eclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, such as "eclipse glasses". These glasses will be provided by the district to the students. Please note that looking directly at the sun without protection is unsafe, and at no time should students look directly at the sun as it could cause permanent eye damage or other unknown effects.

While teachers will make every effort to monitor students, keeping glasses on at all times will be the responsibility of each student. If you do not want your students to participate in the educational outdoor eclipse viewing, please complete the Solar Eclipse Opt-Out Form  and alternate activities will be available for your student.

Paper copies of the form will be available in the office. 


